Investing in Success: Planning Your Retail Space Remodel

Whether you’re planning a massive overhaul of your retail space or simply looking to improve the shopping experience, it can be difficult to get started on a renovation project. With so much to consider, including the downtime during the renovation, it can seem like an impossible task to bring a retail renovation from idea to reality.

By breaking the renovation down into these steps, business owners can have an easier time getting started, and have a clearer picture of the end result at every stage of the project.

Decide the Scope of Your Project

Depending on the scope and ambition of your renovation project, you may be able to keep many of the existing utilities in your retail space, like plumbing, wiring, and load-bearing structures. While a renovation is also a good time to ensure that your building’s utilities are up to code and in good form—and replace them if necessary—it may be less expensive to preserve them if your reno plans permit.

Determine Your Timeline

A timeline is important for keeping the renovation on track, as well as for planning how long you will need to keep your retail space closed. Hiring a reliable contractor is an essential part of making and maintaining your timeline. The right contractor will help you set reasonable expectations for the project timeline and be able to stick to the timeline you set together.

Decide on Layout and Placement of New Elements

Is your renovation going to be a cosmetic update, or are you looking to completely change your customer experience? Either way, it’s important to take the time to mock up the placement and function of new elements to ensure that your idea translates into the physical space you’re working with. Take time to consider the path you want customers to follow, where they will congregate, and where they will pay.

Evaluate the Results

Finally, after the renovation is complete, take the time to thoroughly measure your performance in the new space against the old one. Did you achieve your desired return on investment? Are your customers behaving like you expected them to? What kind of feedback have you received on the new shopping experience?

The renovation of a retail space shows that you are prepared to invest in a better experience for your customers. De La Riva Construction has completed numerous commercial projects ranging from service repairs to design and build projects. We’ll help you to plan and complete the right renovation for your business. To find out more, contact us at 714-871-9561 or visit us online today.

4 Exciting Office Design Trends


Exciting Office Design Trends

People’s workplace needs are changing, and it’s the employer’s duty to ensure that their workspace can accommodate those needs. Innovations in design can make you rethink the traditional office space and plan for something new and exciting! The days of drab and dreary workspaces are ending; it’s time to recognize the value of individuals in the workplace and design an office with collaboration, creativity, and possibility in mind. Whether you’re looking to build or renovate your current space, these are some office space design trends to consider.

  • Flexible workspaces: As job roles change, so do space requirements for those roles. Office design is evolving to accommodate flexible environments and needs to allow people to connect rapidly and share ideas. Flexible workspaces offer different kinds of spaces that can accommodate casual to formal meetings, quiet spaces, and open areas for collaboration.
  • Technology upgrades: In order to attract and retain new talent, businesses need to provide up-to-date and advanced technology tools. These include high-speed internet, data sharing, connectivity tools, and even video conferencing abilities.
  • Modernized breakrooms: When was the last time you really looked at your breakroom? Chances are it’s due for an upgrade. Old and outdated furniture and rooms can feel dreary, and even negatively affect employee morale. An updated, beautiful, and comfortable space where employees can go to relax will help them decompress and feel refreshed when they return to work.
  • Green spaces: Did you know that being in nature is good for you and your employees? If you didn’t know, now you do, and it’s time to bring the outdoors in. Nature-based walls made from bamboo or wood, rooftop gardens, and vertical gardens are great ways to greenify a space. Why stop there, though? Green energy is trending, and there’s no better time to get on board. Invest in renewable energy sources, air purification, locally sourced food and drink for your space, and more. Your employees will appreciate it!

You’re in your workspace almost every day. Why not make it one you enjoy being in?

Ready to revitalize your office? Let us help! De La Riva Construction is a commercial construction contractor for public and private companies. We have extensive experience in construction trades and we’d love to help you with your project! Contact us through our website or call (714) 871-9561.

3 Ways to Design an Office with Productivity in Mind







When you spend so much of your life at work, it makes sense that your workplace affects your health and productivity. Environment can make a big impact when it comes to comfort, happiness, and motivation. If you want to provide your employees with the best possible workspace, consider these design tips.

Design a Productive Space

There is no single solution to suit every office space. When it comes to design, put your people first instead of blindly following trends. Using space effectively can greatly contribute to employee satisfaction and productivity. Provide collaborative spaces as well as private rooms, and allow for employees to move around so they don’t feel tied to their desks. Weight the pros and cons of different office layouts, as well. There’s a lot of buzz about open office floor plans right now, but before you jump on board, make sure that the layout you choose provides balance for your staff.

Design with Balance in Mind

Sure, you’ve provided your employees with a place to work, but have you provided them with a place to relax as well? People need regular breaks in order to perform at their best, so providing an accessible space for them to do so benefits both of you! Stress accumulates over time, so even small breaks to relieve eye strain or back tension can do a world of good for your staff, and enable them to work more efficiently!

Design for All Types

Different employees have different needs. Can your workspace accommodate everyone? Consider people across a number of demographics: introverted and extroverted; multigenerational; soloists and collaborators; and more. When you view every employee as an individual and consider how they will work best, you can design a space that works for everyone you hire, and that will result in a boost in productivity.

People work best in a space that works for them. Are you ready to put your employees first in your office design?

At De La Riva Construction Inc., we’re proud to provide commercial construction services for public and private companies. Keep us in mind for your next office design project! You can get in touch with us through our website or by calling 714-871-9561.

Modern Office Spaces: Benefits And Design Tips

Modern Office Spaces

A symbol of elegance and innovation, Apple’s new headquarters was inaugurated in April 2017, and since then, it’s been called “the spaceship” due to its circular design and modern architecture. The project took three years to complete and its reported construction cost is $5 billion, even though the company has never officially confirmed it. Among the main features, there are 805,000 square feet of solar arrays, a 100,000-square-foot Fitness & Wellness Center, and—what’s probably the most impressive—thousands of trees covering the site.

Such an impressive building leaves us thinking: What makes companies decide to invest in a new workspace?

Why Design Matters

According to Samantha Zupan, a Glassdoor spokesperson, companies should incorporate their culture into the workspace design. A cool office space can stir up a sense of pride for employees, attract new talent, boost creativity, and give people an opportunity to take a break from their work routine.

While Google employees can use slides to go down one floor, which adds a fun component to their office, Autodesk employees work in a very sophisticated workplace with many different architectural styles.

An interesting study published by Kahler Slater also reveals the importance of workplace design to ensure consistency between external marketing and physical environment. Basically, that’s the idea that brands create experiences for customers and these experiences should be expressed in physical spaces.

Trends For Modern Office Spaces

Are you still here? Great! We imagine you’re getting excited about the idea of remodeling your office space to give it a modern touch, so here are some tips and trends:

  • Cubicles are considered extremely old-fashioned, but it doesn’t mean any open space is the best choice. Embrace flexibility and plan an office layout that won’t kill privacy.
  • Avoid monotony by creating different spaces. Don’t be afraid of playing around with new colors, textures, and forms to make people explore new rooms.
  • Promote access to nature, so employees can experience its benefits You don’t need to copy Apple and plant thousands of trees. A few plants or a garden are enough to green up your workspace.
  • Make your new office not only stylish, but also functional. Many employees work on their laptops and smartphones, so give preference to furniture that incorporates technology ports, docking stations, and electrical outlets.

De La Riva Construction is a commercial construction contractor for public and private companies. If you’re planning an office redesign, let us help you with your project! Contact us through our website or call (714) 871-9561.

An Amazing responsive and Retina ready theme.

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Pellentesque imperdiet, nunc id scelerisque scelerisque, nisi arcu hendrerit leo, vel volutpat arcu mi in risus. Vestibulum iaculis molestie venenatis. Donec faucibus elit quis enim porta, id fringilla lectus feugiat. Sed et diam fermentum, elementum elit et, placerat nisi. Sed vehicula nibh sed tellus elementum condimentum. Fusce laoreet lorem ipsum, vitae aliquam arcu gravida gravida. Nunc eget tristique sem, eu ornare ligula.

Pellentesque facilisis lobortis volutpat. Etiam non suscipit velit, vitae ornare eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus eu auctor metus, et porta justo. Vivamus suscipit fermentum ante, eu dignissim orci. Proin faucibus quis orci a dictum. Nulla ac nibh neque. Curabitur eu justo massa.

An Amazing responsive and Retina ready theme.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam sed eleifend risus, sit amet porttitor massa. Ut vulputate felis at mauris ultrices sodales. Phasellus in leo ornare, vulputate purus eget, iaculis tellus. Donec sed laoreet orci. Praesent faucibus feugiat velit a iaculis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi turpis mauris, consequat laoreet metus non, dictum fringilla sem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nulla ornare malesuada ultricies. Nulla luctus velit diam, at lacinia odio aliquam nec. In adipiscing, arcu elementum dictum eleifend, mi velit sodales nisi, a semper tellus magna sed justo. Ut mauris velit, tristique id nulla eget, euismod consequat lacus. Vestibulum varius dapibus lacus et vestibulum.

Ut eu imperdiet arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras interdum porttitor quam at tempus. Sed quis rutrum lorem.

Ut eu imperdiet arcu. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras interdum porttitor quam at tempus. Sed quis rutrum lorem. Mauris vitae dui ut neque pulvinar mattis. Mauris sed tincidunt nisi. Ut porta quis lorem at consectetur. Mauris elementum vulputate metus, ut cursus felis dictum non. Sed in nulla metus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus at nunc eget ligula tristique scelerisque in et urna.

Pellentesque imperdiet, nunc id scelerisque scelerisque, nisi arcu hendrerit leo, vel volutpat arcu mi in risus. Vestibulum iaculis molestie venenatis. Donec faucibus elit quis enim porta, id fringilla lectus feugiat. Sed et diam fermentum, elementum elit et, placerat nisi. Sed vehicula nibh sed tellus elementum condimentum. Fusce laoreet lorem ipsum, vitae aliquam arcu gravida gravida. Nunc eget tristique sem, eu ornare ligula.

Pellentesque facilisis lobortis volutpat. Etiam non suscipit velit, vitae ornare eros. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Phasellus eu auctor metus, et porta justo. Vivamus suscipit fermentum ante, eu dignissim orci. Proin faucibus quis orci a dictum. Nulla ac nibh neque. Curabitur eu justo massa.